Thursday, July 28, 2011

Taffy Pulling or Butter Melting...

Taffy Pulling or Butter Melting...that's what it feels like when fascia is releasing!
Touchstone Therapy is excited to announce that we now have 4 therapists trained by John Barnes in Myofascial Release. 
Fascia is a whole-body system, comprised of a very dense connective tissue, covering and interpenetrating every muscle, bone, nerve, artery and vein, as well as, all of our internal organs including the heart, lungs, brain and spinal cord.  It is one continuous structure that exists from head to toe without interruption.   Fascia plays an important role in the support and function of our bodies.  In the normal healthy state, the fascia has the ability to stretch and move without restriction. Trauma, poor postural alignment, and repetitive stress injuries can crease fascia restrictions and cause the fascia to lose its pliability, thus becoming tight, restricted, and a source of tension to the rest of the body.  This, in turn, influences comfort, function, flexibility, stability, and range of motion.  Fascia restrictions are also common in children with diagnoses including cerebral palsy, Mitrochondrial disorders, Down Syndrome, hypo- and hyper-tonia, Brachial plexus injury, Torticollis, and neurological disorders.  (adapted from
Myofascial release can be an integral part of the therapy process because it allows for more dramatic and lasting changes in posture, range of motion, stability, strength, and motor skill development.  Please take the opportunity to talk with your current therapist or contact Touchstone Therapy to discuss how this approach can benefit you and your child.    

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Red, White and Boom is not always fun for our Little Firecrackers!

While many of us are looking forward to celebrating the fourth of July with fireworks, for some of our children who have auditory defensiveness, it is a dreadful event! Some children respond to loud, unexpected noises with a flight or fight reaction; they either run and hide or may show their discomfort by slugging a sibling!  Other children may cover their ears to the loud booms or complain of a tummy ache! Whatever their responses are, we must acknowledge and respect their discomfort and help them get through the holiday! 

First and foremost,  help your child by preparing her. Give her an idea of what is to come and help identify strategies that may help her feel better. Help her gain a sense of control of her environment. Does she have a cozy corner in her bedroom or a weighted blanket she can cover up with?  If you're heading out to a barbeque, take along some headphones or ear plugs to dampen the sounds of the fireworks.  Chewing gum may also help.  Many times she will be able to figure out what could make her feel better, but the key is to establish the strategies in advance, before you head out to watch the fireworks!

Have a Safe and Happy Fourth of July!
Michelle Yoder, OTR/L